Friday 26 December 2014


You are highly welcome. The MyBook Guru is already here, let get started. Recall the words solution, solvent and solute. The main different among the three words is illustrated below;

Electrical Power Transmission

I am here, the MyBook Guru. Dear, in transmitting power, effort must be ensure that power lost is reduced significantly. This can be easily achieved by following these steps,

Saturday 20 December 2014

Carbon (IV) oxide

Carbon (IV) oxide

Carbon (IV) oxide is normally in gaseous state at room temperature. It has been said that we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon (IV) oxide. Carbon (IV) oxide has a chemical formula of CO2.

Friday 19 December 2014


Hello! Let get started. Electromagnets are devices made of soft iron that behaves as magnet only when current is flowing through them. They lose all their magnetic properties when current stop flowing through them.

Thursday 18 December 2014



Carbon! It is a non-metal which is solid at room temperature. It exists naturally as diamond and graphite. It also exists in pure form as diamond and graphite. It can also exists as an impure substance as coal, coke, charcoal, bicarbonate, metallic carbide etc. The chemistry of carbon is known as the organic chemistry.


Hey! You are finally here. Wonderful. Some people have been seeing copper wire, but it seems like they don't even know much about it. Copper is one of the less reactive metals which belongs to the group of an element known as the noble metals. The main source of copper is pyrites ( CuFeS2 ).

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Electric Cells

Dear, it is my joyful duty to be elaborate on the topic - electric cells. As you know that the MyBook Guru is here, let get started. In the middle of 18th century, a man known as Volta placed a cloth soaked with brine solution in the middle of the copper rod and the zinc rod. He realized that current was flowing through the arrangement.

Must Read: Light Wave

Light! Everybody knows what light means, but there are things about light that seem unknown to us. Light is a visible ray radiated from a source. The source may be sun, moon, star, torchlight, lamp etc.

Sunday 14 December 2014

Read Organic Chemistry Online (Vol 1)

Hey! You are finally here. It's a must for everybody to have the ideas of 'Organic chemistry'. It has been said that, organic chemistry affects almost 99% of our day-to-day activities. This post is the volume 1 of the organic chemistry, which mainly consists of the following;
  • Hydrocarbons,
  • Alkanes,
  • Alkenes, and
  • Alkynes.

Let get started.............

Saturday 13 December 2014

Fluids at Rest and in Motion

 Surface tension

Hey! You are finally here. So wonderful. Though the scientists are great, but God is always greater than the greatest. This post made me to remember a day at high school. I used to wonder why the water drops on leaves seem spherical. Later, I realized that it was due to the influence of surface tension. Surface tension arises due to the strong intermolecular forces that holds the liquid surface together.

Must Read: Metals and Their Compounds (Vol 1)

Know The Real Facts About Metals 

Hello to all fortunate readers. You are so fortunate for reading this post. This post is systematically written for the sake of everybody to have the knowledge of the real facts about the metal- sodium. I assured you that by the end of this post, you will have gained and be motivated to carry out something greater than your present expectation.
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